Drezden received his orange belt in karate tonight. He has done so well in karate, & he is loving it more & more. He has been doing so well in school this year & I can honestly say that karate has helped with that. He got all 3's & 4's on his report card so his instructor Mr. Wilson met him at his school & ate lunch with him & his friends. Drezden got to pick what he brought for lunch & he chose Red Robin. He is so funny I thought for sure he would have pick Mcdonald. Mr. Wilson is so awesome!!! This pic turned out blurry, but this is almost everyone that got a new belt tonight. Good job Drez we are so proud of you & we love you so much!!

Drezden & Mr. Wilson

Drezden with his new orange belt on

Ringing the Gong after he received his orange belt

Last day as a yellow belt