Friday, December 25, 2009


Drew's most FAVORITE gift of all. Let me clear my throat. Drew is almost 11 & he decided that he wanted to see if Santa Claus was REAL or NOT??? So he decided that he would ask Santa for a mini pocket bike for Christmas. What do you do in this situation? Needless to say Santa brought him his request:) What we will do for our kids.

Drezden's most FAVORITE gift of all. He has been asking for a DS forever!! Santa finally brought him one. He was so HAPPY!! I wish they stayed little forever. I'm sure in know time he will be asking for the BIG stuff.

The boys opening their presents

The fam on Christmas:) We had a great Christmas this year.
The boys always look so beat up on Christmas. I can't believe Drew has 1 shoe on. Drezden had a big wod of gum on his front teeth so I had to retake a pic. You can always count on one of us to make a picture goofy.

I haven't seen B smile like this in a long time. He was oh so happy about his new I-pod. He's been stuck with a 4GB I-pod for about 3 years & those that know him, know how important music is to him. Thanks to his mom & dad he now has a 160GB:) & for me I hate pics of myself so I will write my favorite gifts. I got money & a new CHI hair straightener:)

1 comment:

  1. Jeff got the iTouch for Christmas and it's his new best friend. I believe his smile was very similar to Brandon's and it didn't wipe of very easy.
